Projektor can automatically add a comment to your pull requests to make it faster and easier to view the test reports for your pull requests.
The pull request comment has the following:
Projektor will update the pull request comment with additional test reports when the code pull request is updated and more builds run.
To quickly show whether a pull request increases or decreases the code coverage in a project, Projektor will include the delta in coverage percentage in the pull request comment.
For example, a pull request that decreases the coverage (likely a red flag on the change):
Or on the positive side, a pull request that increases the code coverage:
For the pull request comments you’ll need to be using at least the following versions of the Projektor publishing plugins:
+You’ll also need to install Projektor as a GitHub app in your GitHub organization or project to give Projektor access to your project’s pull requests to make the comments. Projektor needs read/write access to pull requests and issues to add/update its comments, but it doesn’t need access to your source code.